Terms of Service

Welcome to the website and web store www.lalotre.com which you may use for your confidential use without any usage charges, subject to the General Terms of Use below. Please review them carefully and carefully.

By using the site lalotre.com, purchasing or collecting information about Lalotre items, you confirm that you are familiar with all of them and agree to use these General Terms of Use. In the event that you do not agree to these Terms of Purchase, please do not use  lalotre.com to purchase or collect item information.

By visiting lalotre.com and using the site, each user accepts that they will comply with these General Terms and Conditions and that the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions apply to them.

General provisions

The general conditions are available to the Users of the website and we encourage them to be thoroughly informed about them before using the lalotre.com site.

These Terms of Use of the online store, the scope of items, other information related to the online store and all other satisfaction will probably change during the visit, accordingly, the page with the Terms of Use of the online store should be visited every time you visit, especially when shopping in the web shop. With each visit to the site, you are deemed to agree to the current Terms of Use of the Internet Store.

All materials available on www.lalotre.com are the selective freedom of Lalotre or are used with the express permission of the copyright and brand name holders or potential configuration privileges. Any reproduction, transmission, transfer, distribution, linking or adaptation of this site without the express consent of COSMETIC BEAUTY LIMITED is not permitted. Violation of the General Terms and Conditions of Business and Use may lead to court proceedings and additional criminal proceedings against the culprit for violating copyright, trademark or some other type of protected innovation.

Documents published on this website may be copied only for non-commercial purposes and for personal use only, and with respect to all copyrights, other proprietary rights and all specified rights restrictions.

These Terms define the relations between Site Visitors, Buyers and Sellers regarding the conditions and method of ordering products, product prices, payment, delivery, product quality, complaints, returns and delivery, protection of personal data and other issues related to the use of the www.lalotre website. .com and online shopping.

Resale of the product without the written permission of Lalotra is prohibited. For sales and wholesale prices, contact us: info@lalotre.com

For all questions that are not regulated by the special conditions of use www. lalotre.com stores are subject to the General Conditions and positive legislation of the Republic of Croatia, as well as other relevant international regulations.

Within these General Conditions, the following terms are used, and their meanings are:

www.lalotre.com - is a registered domain, website and web store owned by COSMETIC BEAUTY LIMITED

. Relations on the web store  www.lalotre.com take place between the Seller (Lalotre) and Customer (registered/unregistered users of www.lalotre.com)

Customer  : natural or legal person who registers their personal data and orders at least one product offered on the website www.lalotre.com

Website visitor : physical or legal person who accesses www.lalotre.com and without registration views the product offer and page content.

User  : Customers and Visitors of the site together

User data  : e-mail address and password of the User, which allow only one User to access protected areas of the Site

Personal data : data about the registered Customer that enable payment and delivery of the Customer's ordered products

Usage  : implies access to the site www.lalotre. com for information on content, offerings, products and product purchases

Online shopping  : purchase of products via www.lalotre.com

Retail price  : the price that is displayed next to each product and is expressed, depending on the country from which the customer is registering, the official currency is in euros (EUR).

The displayed prices have been converted at the official exchange rate in the amount of 1 EUR = 7.53450 HRK.
All prices include VAT.

Accepted offer  : is an offer based on which payment was made;

Transaction  : payment or refund of the amount of payment after the Seller has sold the product to the Buyer, using the services of a payment intermediary accepted by the Seller, by bank transfer or by any other method permitted by the Seller regardless of delivery.

Sales contract : Product sales contract between the Buyer and the Seller, which is concluded at the moment of confirmation of payment for the product, i.e. when the Buyer confirms the order and makes payment for it through the payment options offered in the web store.

Acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions

These General Terms and Conditions are drawn up in accordance with the Law on Consumer Protection (in the message: ZZP), the Law on Electronic Commerce (in the message: ZET) and the Law on Obligatory Relations (in the message: ZOO), and in addition to the information distributed on the website www.lalotre .com refer to a previously legally binding notice in the sense of Article 57 of the Civil Code.

Pursuant to Article 57 of the Consumer Protection Act, the Seller must inform the Buyer in a clear and comprehensible manner about:

  • the primary characteristics of the product or service, to the extent that this is appropriate in relation to the product or service and the medium used to convey the information
  • its name and headquarters, telephone number and, if available, e-mail address
  • if applicable, to the name and registered office of the trader in whose name and/or on whose account it acts
  • the geographic address of the place of business, that is, the geographic address of the place of business of the trader in whose name and/or on whose account he acts, and to which the consumer can address his complaints, if that place is different from the headquarters from point 2 of this article
  • the retail price of the goods or services, and if the nature of the goods or services does not allow the price to be calculated in advance, about the method of price calculation and, if applicable, other costs of transportation, delivery or postal services, i.e. about the fact that these costs can be charged, if cannot be reasonably calculated in advance
  • the costs of using means of remote communication for the purpose of concluding a contract, if these costs are not charged at the basic rate
  • terms of payment, terms of delivery of goods or provision of services, time of delivery of goods or provision of services and, if any, the method of handling consumer complaints by the merchant
  • conditions, terms and procedure for exercising the right to unilateral termination of the contract, as well as the form for unilateral termination of the contract in accordance with Article 74, paragraph 1 of this Act, in cases where this right exists
  • to the fact that the consumer is obliged to bear the costs of returning the goods in the event that he exercises his right to unilaterally terminate the contract from Article 72 of this Act, that is, on the costs of returning the goods, in the event that the goods, due to their nature, cannot be returned by mail in contracts concluded at a distance in the usual way
  • that, in the event that he exercises his right to unilaterally terminate the contract from Article 72 of this Act after making a request in accordance with Article 64 or Article 70 of this Act, the consumer will be obliged to pay the trader a reasonable part of the price in accordance with Article 77. paragraph 7 of this Act
  • that the consumer cannot use the right to unilateral termination of the contract from Article 72 of this Act, in cases in which, based on Article 79 of this Act, that right is excluded, i.e. the conditions under which the consumer loses the right to unilateral termination of the contract
  • the existence of liability for material defects
  • services or assistance offered to the consumer after the sale and the terms of use of these services or assistance, if the merchant provides them, as well as any guarantees issued with the goods or service
  • the existence of appropriate rules of conduct of the merchant, as defined by Article 5, Clause 18 of this Act
  • duration of the contract, if the contract was concluded for a fixed period of time, i.e. under conditions of cancellation or termination of the contract that was concluded for an indefinite period, i.e. which is automatically extended
  • the minimum term in which the consumer is bound by the contract, if any
  • deposit or other financial security that the consumer is obliged to pay or obtain at the merchant's request, as well as the terms of payment of that deposit, i.e. the conditions of obtaining other financial security
  • if applicable, the functionality of the digital content, including the necessary technical protection measures for that content
  • if applicable, the interoperability of the digital content with computer or software equipment of which the trader knows or should know
  • mechanisms for out-of-court settlement of disputes, i.e. about compensation systems, and how the consumer can use them.

By accepting these Terms, the User expressly accepts that

    • The seller cannot be held responsible for the behavior of the users of the services, and the risk of possible damage is entirely borne by the users of the services, in accordance with the positive regulations of the Republic of Croatia and the EU.
    • The seller is not responsible for any temporary unavailability of the website www.lalotre.com , nor for partial or complete interruption of work or incorrect work. 
    • www. lalotre.com  may be temporarily unavailable or available to a limited extent, as a result of regular system maintenance in case of system upgrades and/or due to force majeure problems, and the Seller is not responsible for possible damage.
    • The seller reserves the right to change, cancel (temporarily or permanently) any element, as well as the services it provides, and the content published by the user on www.lalotre.com , without prior approval or notification of the user, with the application of good business practices . 
    • The seller is not responsible for technical problems that may lead to delays and/or incorrect processing of electronic data.
    • The www.lalotre.com  site respects social rules and laws during its operation. A user who notices a problem, violation, unacceptable content, etc. is obliged to inform the Seller at the e-mail address info@lalotre.com 
    • The seller is not responsible in the event that data, images and other elements of the website violate someone's intellectual or copyright rights. If you think that a right of yours or a third party's right has been violated, please notify us by e-mail at info@lalotre.com 
    • The seller reserves the right to cancel unconfirmed user accounts or accounts that have been inactive for a long time.
    • The Seller may use the review containing the name of the User and the Buyer for marketing purposes

By using www.lalotre.com , it is considered that the User is familiar with these General Terms and Conditions and accepts them. The seller removes all responsibility for all disputed issues that could possibly arise due to the fact that the Site Visitor, User and/or Buyer did not read the General Terms and Conditions.  


Obligations of the user when using the site  www.lalotre.com

The user undertakes not to:

  • Use the Seller's website in any way that is against positive regulations
  • Enter on the Seller's website or distribute via the website any content that is against positive regulations, change, delete or destroy any data on the Seller's website.

Documents, data and information

The reports, information and data distributed on the site may not be reproduced, disseminated or in any way used for commercial purposes without the express consent of the Seller or in any capacity that could harm the Seller or any third party.

The client has no ability to download, reproduce, change, distribute, display, delete, send, sell, exchange, adapt, change the content, make affiliates, store for other websites or media or use in any capacity other than individual purpose for home use.

The photos of the items displayed on www.lalotre.com refer to the original appearance of the item, but due to the possibility of individual screen changes, there may be deviations in the display of the item on the Visitor's screen.

In the case of the above-mentioned possible discrepancy between the photo of the product displayed on the screen and the delivered product, it is not a question of the product's deficiency, and thus it is not a basis for returning the product.


The seller is released from any liability that may arise or is in any capacity related to the use of the website, as well as in connection with any damage to the devices and information located on the site itself, which may occur to the user or any external person in connection with the use or abuse of the dedicated content of the www.lalotre.com site, and various cases in which the Seller cannot be relied upon.

The administrations provided by the seller as a feature of the online shopping administration at www.lalotre.com do not exclude the costs caused by users using PC hardware and administration to reach the pages. The merchant is not responsible for telephone costs, Internet traffic or any other costs, nor is he responsible for any damage that may occur due to the interference of the Internet service during the use of the Online Shopping administration.


The customer can only be an adult and capable of doing business. For minors and legally incompetent persons, the Contract can be concluded by their legal representatives. The seller bears no responsibility for any action contrary to this provision.

Reports of violation of protection and rights

The seller respects intellectual property rights and other rights of third parties. All rights of the publisher and program holder on the recorded and printed work are reserved. 


The seller reserves the right to change these General Terms and Conditions without prior notice. Users are obliged to check the applicable General Conditions every time they use the Internet site, and especially the Internet store service.

Validity of the General Terms and Conditions

For online shopping, the General Terms and Conditions in force at the time of ordering the product are valid.


Online shopping of Products can be done in the territory of the Republic of Croatia and in the territory of the countries within the European Union.

When using the www.lalotre.com website, Users are obliged to provide accurate, valid and complete personal data, especially when filling out the registration form. Otherwise, the Seller has the right to deny the user access to or use of the services he offers.

At the time of ordering an individual Product from the offer, the User undertakes to agree to these General Terms and Conditions and confirms that before entering into the purchase contract (Pre-Contractual Notice) he is aware of the main characteristics of the product, the name and registered office of the Seller, his telephone number, e-mail address, place of business, address to which objections can be sent, retail price of goods, cost and conditions of order delivery, payment conditions, methods of handling complaints, conditions, deadlines and procedure for exercising the right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement, consumer right to terminate a contract concluded via means of remote communication within 30 (thirty) days for termination of the contract, situations in which the consumer's right to terminate the contract is excluded, the costs of using the means of remote communication, the period in which the offer or price is valid and these General Terms and Conditions.

When registering, every user is automatically signed up for our newsletter. If you do not want to receive our newsletter, you are free to unsubscribe from the recipient list at any time by sending an e-mail message to  info@lalotre.com.

If you are not a registered user or customer, but still want to receive our notifications, you can sign up for our newsletter, which located in the lower right corner of the home page.

Onine purchase is possible with prior registration or with "Register as a guest". When registering or "Register as a guest", the customer is obliged to provide accurate and complete personal data, while the contrary behavior of the customer authorizes COSMETIC BEAUTY LIMITED to deny the customer further use of the website www.mylapiel.com.

By registering the User:

  • fully accepts these General Terms and Conditions of Purchase
  • confirms the completeness, accuracy, truthfulness and up-to-dateness of personal data
  • gives the Seller explicit consent that, in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act, it may process the User's personal data for the purposes of its own records, for the purposes of creating a customer database, informing about new products and services, promotions, and protecting the interests of users and preventing potential abuse.

Registration or user account is created exclusively for one person and it is not allowed to share information about registration or user account with third parties. The user is obliged to keep the data on the user account and the password of the same. The seller considers each registration as a separate legal entity, and the use of someone else's registration or user account is not allowed.

The User is also responsible for all unauthorized activities authorized and performed under his username and/or password if he has not previously notified the Seller of the unauthorized use of his username and/or password (or any suspicion of the same).


Pre-contractual notices

Pursuant to Article 57 of the Consumer Protection Act, the Seller will inform the Buyer in a clear and comprehensible manner about:

1. the main features of the products and services, to the extent that this is appropriate with regard to the product and the medium used for notification 2. its name and headquarters, telephone number and email address to which the consumer can address any complaints 3. the retail price products and the costs of transportation, delivery or postal services 4. payment terms, terms of delivery of goods and the method of solving possible consumer complaints 5. terms, deadlines and the procedure for exercising the right to unilateral termination of the contract as well as the form for unilateral termination of the contract in accordance with Article 74, paragraph 1. of this Act, in cases where this right exists  


By agreeing to these General Terms and Conditions, the Customer agrees that the confirmation of the pre-contractual notice will be delivered to him by electronic mail to the e-mail address he indicates as a contact when entering his order or by mail to his home address together with the delivery of the Product.

The seller is not responsible for any possible delays in delivery, damages and other obligations that are in the domain of the delivery service, but in agreement with them will provide top service for every customer. In the event that the Buyer notices possible damage when taking over the goods, he is obliged to send the complaint to the delivery person on the spot and report the same in writing to the Seller's e-mail address info@lalotre.com 



In our online store, you will be able to pay for the ordered Products and delivery according to the model you choose while completing the order. Payment for the Product can be made:

-  card payment (safe card payment via CorvusPay: Single card enabled)  

- PayPal (electronic payments that enable secure and simple online payment.)

by payment to the giro account by general money order and Internet banking of the Seller

- cash upon receipt (cash on delivery payment - only for Croatia)

The sales contract (order) is saved in electronic form with the bidder, and the buyer automatically receives an invoice to the entered electronic address upon purchase.

Payment is considered made at the moment of receipt of authorization by PayPal or CorvusPay or at the moment when the payment is recorded on the Seller's transaction account.


Claims for packages marked "delivered" must be made after 5 days and before 15 days from the date the package was marked "delivered".

Claims for packages presumed to be "lost" (if the status is not "delivered") must be submitted after 7 days and within 30 days of the last checkpoint.



The coverage provided by Additional Package Protection covers the package and its contents against all risks of physical loss or damage due to external influence (subject to exclusions) in transit only. All shipments covered by additional package protection will be shipped strictly in accordance with all carrier regulations. Coverage is based on individual packages and each individual shipment with additional package protection must have a declared value for coverage.




  1. All packaging material and damaged goods must be kept in the original form as received. Packaging and damaged goods must not be disposed of or handed over to the carrier before the claim is completed, as photographs will be required. Failure to comply will result in claim rejection due to insufficient packaging.
  2. Hidden damage allows detection of loss of package contents or damage up to 15 days after final delivery. It is considered that the loss could have occurred during the insured transit. Discovery of package loss or damage occurring 16 days or later after final delivery is considered to have occurred while the shipment was NOT in transit and therefore not covered.
  3. In case of loss or damage of an additionally protected package or cargo, the following must be completed:
  4. The user of the additional package protection shall immediately submit a notification of non-delivery, damage or deficiency to info@lalotre.com
  5. The recipient will take appropriate steps on the delivery note when any loss or damage is apparent at the time of delivery;
  6. The complete application request must contain a copy of the carrier's email or SMS confirmation, a copy of the invoice, photos of the damaged goods and packaging, damage assessment, damage statement signed by the recipient (or intended recipient), and any other documentation requested by Lalotre for the purpose of additional package protection . Failure to deliver the request by email and not following all the instructions for the request may result in the request being rejected
  7. After we accept and approve the request, a quick payment will be made to the insured.
  8. Lalotre and additional package protection will rely on the original carrier's liability determination to help justify the loss.



Lalotre will be responsible for the invoiced value of the package or cargo lost, destroyed or damaged, however, in the event that there is no invoice, we will be responsible for the actual monetary value of the package or cargo. In no event shall claims exceed the value declared prior to shipment and declared for the purpose of premium service.

Lalotre reserves the right to cancel or refuse a cargo protection claim if there is negligence on the part of the customer or if there is fraud in an attempt to obtain a free product

Payment by cards

For card payments, the online store (www.lalotre.com) uses the CorvusPay payment platform. Since the customer enters all sensitive card data on the CorvusPay payment form, which is secured by a high level of SSL encryption (256-bit encryption), the merchant does not come into contact with the card data, is not responsible for their transfer or storage. Additionally, all stored user data is protected by strong cryptography, using a FIPS 140-2 Level 3 certified cryptographic device. Employees of the online store (www.lalotre.com) do not have access to the card number at any time, only the number of the authorized transaction is available to them. Card information is not stored in the Lalotra system, but the credit card number is directly checked and authorized in the authorization center of the card house. Do not enter your credit card number or any other sensitive information anywhere except in the designated field, do not send it by e-mail or via the contact form.

Corvus Info considers all collected information as bank secret and treats it accordingly. The information is used exclusively for the purposes for which it is intended. Your sensitive data is completely safe, and its privacy is guaranteed by the most modern protection mechanisms. Only data necessary for the performance of work are collected in accordance with the prescribed demanding procedures for online payment. The security controls and operational procedures applied to our infrastructure ensure the immediate reliability of the CorvusPay system. In addition, by maintaining strict access control, regular security monitoring and in-depth checks to prevent network vulnerabilities, and planned implementation of provisions on information security, they permanently maintain and improve the level of system security by protecting your card data. 

PayPal payment

For PayPal payment at www.lalotre.com you need to know the following:

If you buy from Croatia, the value of your basket and the shipping cost will be converted from EUR or USD. 

Paypal is an electronic store (e-commerce) that is an intermediary in payment between the buyer and the seller through online means of transfer. One of the biggest advantages of PayPal is that the user does not leave his credit card or bank account number when paying in the web store, thus significantly reducing the risk of misuse of personal information. For this reason, PayPal is accepted by users as a safe intermediary between two parties. Link https://www.paypal.com/hr/webapps/mpp/buyer-protection 

You can open your online account for free, and through your PayPal account you can shop online, transfer money, and also receive money online. These services are free for you as a customer, and PayPal makes money by charging merchants a commission on each transaction.

If you want to open a PayPal account, you need your own email address and a credit or debit card. To open your own PayPal account, click on this link ( https://www.paypal.com/hr/cgi-bin/?cmd=_display-country-functionality-outside )


Conversion statement - Conversion statement

If you make the payment from Croatia via payment to the Seller's transaction account, the payment is made in EUR and in that case there is no currency conversion.

In case of payment via the PayPal platform, all payments from Croatia will be made in EUR or USD currency.

Payment by payment to the Seller's transaction account

If you decide to pay to the Seller's transaction account, the amount of the order plus delivery costs will need to be paid via bank transaction, i.e. payment directly to the Seller's account via net banking, in a bank, post office or through other payment channels as in the usual way paying your bills.

When choosing this payment method, a confirmation will be sent to your e-mail address with all the information required for payment, including the account number to which you need to pay the value of the order.


During delivery, the Customer pays the order in cash to the delivery person.

Order overview:

If any of the data is possibly not entered correctly, the User can go back to the step where he entered it and change it. After the User is convinced by a detailed check that all the entered data, quantities and products ordered are correct, he selects the "order" option. When the order is successfully received by the Seller, the message "Order successfully received" is displayed to the Buyer. An e-mail with order details will be sent to the User's e-mail address. In the event that an error occurs during the electronic processing of the order, the message "Unfortunately, the order failed" is displayed to the User. In this case, the order is not considered completed.


The invoice will be sent by e-mail to the customer's address.

Impossibility of delivery

If one of the ordered products cannot be delivered, the seller will contact the customer via e-mail and inform him of this. The customer has the option to cancel the ordered product or request a replacement product. All other ordered products will be delivered to the Customer.


Product prices are retail prices and are expressed in   EUR. Product prices do not include shipping costs.
The legal rate of VAT is included in the stated prices of our products.
Product prices are subject to change until the moment of purchase confirmation.
The price of goods is determined for each product individually. The provider can determine certain discounts, vouchers and points for shopping through the site, which may apply to a certain period of time until the person in question determines otherwise. 
The sales contract between the bidder and the buyer is concluded at the moment when the bidder confirms the order (the buyer receives an electronic notification about the status of the confirmed order). From that moment, all prices and other conditions are fixed and valid for the bidder as well as for the buyer. Prices for our products are subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to modify or discontinue the Service (or any part or content thereof) without notice at any time. We will not be liable to you or any third party for any modification, price change, suspension or discontinuance of the Service. 

Prices, terms of payment and promotional offers are valid only at the time of order and/or payment.

The entry of products in the web store is carried out on several levels and is controlled in detail, but regardless of the high level of control, there is a possibility of an error. Such situations are extraordinary and for them we apologize in advance to our customers, who will be informed about the situation, the wrong price for a specific product, and the eventual impossibility of delivery according to the customer's specific order.


Price changes

Expressed prices are subject to change and any change will be timely recorded within the web store. The seller is authorized to change prices without prior notice.

Sales, promotional and promo sales

There will be sales, daily or weekly special sales for a single Product, a group of Products and/or for all Products within the web store.

Prices, terms of payment and promotional offers are valid only at the time of order. In promotional sales, the sale of products that are on sale is limited.

It is possible to use discount codes if the customer or potential customer meets certain conditions. Each discount code has its own special conditions. 

If a seasonal sale, sale or general sale is active on all or most products, the use of discount codes is disabled. 

Sold out items

In individual cases, due to high demand, it is possible that the Seller will not be able to deliver some of the ordered Products, or that some of the Products from the offer are completely or partially sold out. In the case of sold-out Products, the Buyer will be informed about this before the delivery of the goods by e-mail, and in this case the Seller bears no responsibility.


Through www.lalotre.com, it is possible to purchase and deliver products in the territory of the Republic of Croatia and the territory of EU member states. We deliver by hiring a reputable delivery service. Delivery is made to the home or business address specified by the customer when purchasing on the website  www.lalotre.com .

Within no later than 24 hours from the creation of the Sales Agreement (execution of the order in the web store), we will fill out the order to the delivery service with the exact location and contact information for picking up the goods.

We will pack the products adequately for the transport of the goods in order to prevent damage or reduction in the value of the contents during transport (putting the contents of the shipment in the appropriate packaging - wrapper, box, etc.).

Shipping prices

The delivery price depends on the delivery address of the order (Croatia or EU member states) and depends on the weight of the package itself.

The delivery price is always shown separately and printed on the invoice. The Seller charges the Customer for the Product delivery service in accordance with the price list, and the delivery price includes the product packaging.

The delivery price will depend on the delivery address of the order and on the quantity or weight of the ordered products.

The delivery price will be shown to the Customer after completing the order and selecting the delivery address.

The seller is not responsible for possible delays in delivery, damages and other obligations that are in the domain of the delivery service, but in agreement with them will provide top service for every customer.

In the event that the Buyer notices possible damage when taking over the goods, he is obliged to send the complaint to the delivery person on the spot and report the same in writing to the Seller's e-mail address info@lalotre.com 


Delivery to the customer

Delivery is made within the period indicated with each product. We do not influence the delivery of postal services or the possible detention of the shipment at customs. 
All products are delivered on working days from Monday to Friday.

If the products are sent to the territory of Croatia, the delivery time is 3-6 working days, and if they are sent outside Croatia, then the delivery time is 7-10 working days.

In some cases, it is possible to wait for the product up to 15 working days due to: national holidays, holidays or due to increased traffic at post offices. In such situations, when we receive timely information from the foreign supplier, we will inform you about the possibility of extending the delivery deadline.

Each shipment is certified and signed by the Recipient upon receipt of the shipment. Pursuant to the provisions of the Obligatory Relations Act, upon verification of the delivery list by the recipient, it is considered that the shipment was delivered in an undamaged condition and after that the carrier is released from any subsequent liability. The sender will indicate the reference number of the accompanying documentation in the pick-up list, whereby the later signed delivery list with the reference number will be proof of the delivery.

Receipt of goods

During delivery, along with the purchased Product, the Customer receives all the documentation that accompanies the Product, the invoice and the receipt of the shipment, which he is obliged to sign, if there is no reason for a complaint. By signing the confirmation of receipt of the shipment, the Buyer confirms that he inspected the product when taking it over and that the Product was taken over without visible external damage, that it corresponds quantitatively and qualitatively to the products on the invoice, and that all documents were delivered with the products in accordance with legal regulations.

If, during the inspection of the delivered products, the Buyer found a reason for a complaint in the manner described above, the goods should be immediately complained to the delivery person, because the Seller will not accept complaints reported after the delivery of the delivered Products.

When picking up the delivered Product, the Buyer is obliged to inspect the delivered product, i.e. to check whether there are any visible external damages on the shipment and/or on the products themselves that are inside the shipment and immediately report them to the delivery worker, and refuse to pick up the delivered products on which they are visible damage.

If the product has a hidden defect that could not be detected during a normal inspection when picking up the item, which the customer discovers after opening the product - the customer has the right to unilateral termination of the contract and refund, replacement of the product, removal of the defect or price reduction.


Impossibility of delivery:

If the Buyer or the authorized recipient is not at the delivery address at the time of delivery, the goods will be temporarily held at the local/regional unit of the courier service, and the Buyer will be notified via SMS message with correct information and a phone number where he can make an appointment the following delivery.

Wrongly delivered product

In cases where a product different from the one he purchased was delivered to the Customer, he has the right to deliver the ordered Product, and if this is not possible, the Customer has the right to a refund in the amount of the Product price paid, the delivery price and reimbursement of costs in the case of Product return, and is obliged to return the wrongly delivered Product.

Refusal to download

In the event that the Buyer does not take over the product or refuses to take over the product without a valid reason, the Seller reserves the right to demand compensation for the costs of manipulation, transport and other possible costs.

Information about the company:

Flat 5 Brunel House, 2 Isambard Close, Maidenhead, Berkshire,
England, SL6 7TR
Company number 08132570


Web: www.lalotre.com

e-mail: info@lalotre.com