Return Policy


Termination of the sales contract

The customer can terminate the Agreement (cancel the order):

1. unilaterally, without stating the reason for terminating the contract within 30 days from the day of product delivery

2. in case the delivered product has a defect

Unilateral termination of the Agreement   .  

Pursuant to the Consumer Protection Act, in the case of a distance purchase (when it is not a matter of personal collection but sent by delivery service), you are authorized to unilaterally terminate the Agreement without giving a reason within 30 days from the day of delivery.

You can terminate the contract unilaterally using the specified form or by any other unequivocal statement expressing your will to terminate the contract and providing the necessary information about the order as specified in the Form for one-time termination of the sales contract.

In order to exercise the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement, you must notify Lalotre staff  at info   of your decision to unilaterally terminate the Agreement before the expiration of the 30-day period by means of an unequivocal statement sent by mail or e-mail stating your name, address, phone number or e-mail address, and you can also use the attached sample form for unilateral termination of the contract.  Form for simple contract termination . 

In case of unilateral termination of the contract, we will act in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act and the Obligatory Relations Act.  We will refund the amount paid for the goods for which you request unilateral termination of the contract, without delay, and no later than within 14 days from the day of receipt of the goods at the seller's address or after receiving proof that you have returned the goods to the warehouse and that the warehouse has received the goods.  The refund will be made in the same way you made the payment. Please note that when refunding money to cards, the refund process itself may take a few days longer until the amount is visible on your card.

The buyer is obliged to return the goods without delay, and no later than within 7 days from the date of notification of the unilateral termination of the contract.  Pursuant to Article 77, Paragraph 5 of the Consumer Protection Act, the customer is responsible for any reduction in the value of the purchased product as a result of the handling of the purchased product.

The prerequisite for unilateral termination of the Agreement is that the product has not been used and that it has been returned to the Seller in the identical condition in which the Buyer received it, in the original packaging, with a declaration and accompanying documentation.

The Buyer has the right to return the goods to the Seller free of charge in the event that all the Seller's conditions have been met, and that the ordered and delivered product/products have been returned to the Seller intact. The buyer bears the costs of delivering the goods.

Termination of contract due to product defects

In the event that the reason for the return or replacement is a damaged or defective product, the replacement is the responsibility of the Seller, in the event that the Product was received without visible external damage during transport.  Product defects must be reported within 5 working days of receipt.

If there is damage to the goods during collection from the delivery service and if the Buyer notices a reason for a complaint due to manipulation during delivery, the goods should be immediately reported to the delivery person, because the Seller will not be able to accept complaints related to transport and delivery reported after the delivery of the delivered Products.

Liability for material product defects

The merchant is responsible for material defects of the items he sells on his website in accordance with positive regulations, especially the Law on Obligatory Relations of the Republic of Croatia and the Law on Consumer Protection.


Product return execution

The ordered products are packed so that they are not damaged by normal handling during transport/delivery.  Packages may contain different materials for protection against breakage (paper, styrofoam, sponge and/or similar).

In all cases, when returning the Product on any basis, the Buyer is obliged to return the product to the Seller complete and in the condition in which it was delivered and in the original packaging (commercial packaging in which the goods were delivered), with all associated parts and documentation. The mark intended to indicate that the product has not been used or damaged must not be removed or damaged.  

If the Buyer returns a defective product, with major damage or without parts and documentation, and does not deliver it within 14 days from the date of notification of termination of the Agreement, it is considered that the Buyer has not fulfilled the obligation to return the goods and the Seller is not obliged to refund the money.

The buyer is obliged to return the goods without delay, and no later than within 7 days from the day when, in accordance with Article 74 of the Consumer Protection Act, he informed the Seller of the decision to terminate the contract.  It is considered that the Buyer has fulfilled his obligation on time if he sends or hands over the goods to the Seller before the expiration of the above-mentioned deadline.  The buyer is responsible for any damage to the goods resulting from handling the goods, except for that which was necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functionality of the goods. 

Return justification

If the request for a refund is justified, the Seller, based on the request for a refund or replacement, will return the funds to the Buyer less shipping costs to the account specified by the Buyer in the request or replace the product with a new one within a maximum of 14 days from the day of receipt of the returned product. for objection.

If the Seller unequivocally determines that the product complaint is unjustified or that the lack of the ordered product is due to inadequate handling or use, the Seller is not obliged to issue a refund or deliver a replacement product with a written explanation of non-acceptance of a refund or replacement.


The seller guarantees the product quality guaranteed by the manufacturer of the brand.

The online store and the Seller allow you to send your written complaints regarding the purchase on the website to the following e-mail address: info

We will respond to all your comments and remarks within a maximum of 48 hours.

In order to, in accordance with Article 10, Paragraph 5 of the Law on Consumer Protection, confirm the receipt of a written complaint and respond to it, it is necessary to provide the correct information in the written complaint to provide an answer to the complaint.


By a special regulation of the European Union from February 15, 2016, disputes related to online purchases can be resolved through the ODR platform throughout the EU.

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If you encounter a problem during online shopping within the EU (defective product, inability to exchange the product, etc.), you can submit your complaint in a faster and simpler way on the ODR platform link.

The advantage of this platform is that it can be used by consumers and traders, and it is possible to file a complaint in any of the 23 official languages ​​of the EU.